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Scripture teaches us to "love our neighbor as ourself." From donating supplies to a local pantry or helping out a parishioner who lost everything in a flood, to praying for those who are sick and dying, Knights understand that our faith compels us to action, both spiritually and materially.

Men Volunteering

"We are better as a whole."

When we come together, we accomplish more than what we could, individually. Likewise, Knights strive to create a unified community and parish life. When you become a Knight, you are not only part of the organization, you're apart of the family.


Our founder, Venerable Father McGivney, created the Knights of Columbus, in part, to assist the widows and children of deceased men. Carrying on that legacy, the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program continues this work today. There are over two million underwriting policies, totaling more than $100 billion in insurance.


No matter what country we claim, we are proud of the national heritage and honor God and country. In order to be good members of our parish, we must instill outstanding citizenry in our members. We are grateful for those who answer the call to serve our country in uniform.

USA Flag

Our Parish

Regina Caeli Parish was formally established in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston on August 15, 2013. It is the only Archdiocesan parish in over 40 years to celebrate the sacred liturgy and sacraments exclusively according to the Traditional Latin rites. The church proper sits on 40 acres in the Northwest part of Houston, Texas. The parish is entrusted to the care and direction of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), an apostolic society instituted by St. John Paul II in 1988. 


On October 29, 2016, Regina Caeli moved onto the land and operates out of the St. Athanasius Chapel Hall. The chapel hall is the first building in a multi-year, master-planned parish complex. In the middle of 2020, the parish began work on the the Blessed. Fr. Solanus Casey Gatehouse. For more information about the ongoing work and ways to help, visit our parish's website.


Founded in New Haven, CT in 1882, the Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization composed of laymen and religious who strive to promote charity as the leading pillar in our organization. From feeding the poor to promoting the life at conception, our mission is one of compassion for all of mankind. 

Reverend Father Michael Joseph McGivney was an American priest who found the Knights of Columbus at a local parish in Connecticut. Since then, the Knights of Columbus has developed into the world's largest Catholic fraternal organization. 


Fr. McGivney entered seminary at Seminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe in Quebec. He furthered his seminary studies in NY, but had to leave to aid his family after his father's death. He returned to seminary in Maryland, where he would be ordained to the priesthood on December 22, 1877.


Fr. McGivney's cause for canonization was started in the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT in 1996. In March 2008, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI declared him Venerable. In May of 2020, the miracle attributed to the intercession of Fr. McGivney was approved by the Vatican. On October 31, 2020, the beatification Mass of Fr. McGivney was celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, CT. We continue to pray for his Sainthood!

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